Sunday, October 23, 2016


                               Image result for those who do not remember the past

     Once again, I have created this new blog as part as my grade in my Persuasion & Social Movements class. I am to choose an existing social movement and then raise awareness in it through social media. Since I have been becoming passionate about this movement, I have chosen to be a part of the Black Lives Matter movement. This blog is not made for opinionated souls, but simply to raise awareness to the clueless. Feel free to disagree, but rude and negative comments will be deleted immediately.

 What is Black Lives Matter?

     Black Lives Matter  is peaceful movement created for the equality and liberation for the black community. It was created in 2012 after the murder of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was dead, and was also had to be on trial for his own murder. George Zimmerman walked out as a free man. By all means, this movement is not intended to be a violent one, but it has the capability to create hostility. Why?

History 101

     Slavery began in the United States in 1619 for the production of crops. Slaves were essential to the economic growth of the new world. Slaves were not considered people, they were considered property. If they were to run away, Fugitive Slave Laws allowed them to be transported back to where they came from, and also fining anyone who helped them escape or housing them. Thanks to brave souls like Frederick Douglass, the Grimke Sisters, William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, etc, the 13th, 14th, and 15, amendments were established. Unfortunately, this was only the end to one problem, and a door to new ones. Having new rights meant that there were also new ways to dehumanize. Jim Crow Laws came into effect (separate but equal), Ku Klux Klan, family gatherings at lynchings, underpaid wages and so on. Was life worse after the ending of slavery?


Black Lives Matter logo.svg     I will be the first to admit, I was ignorant when it came to this movement. If you have read my other blog, I also love to be oblivious to the problems that are happening today. Everybody has a voice, unfortunately some of those voices can not be heard. Let us all open our eyes, this country is racist, we are built on racism, and it has not fully diminished. The more that I learn about this movement, the more I feel it is my duty to speak up about it.

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